Brookfield Parks and Recreation
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Children's Concerts in the Park

Hands music
Join us at Kids Kingdom’s for concerts in the park, kids style! 

This spring and summer we will have a performer each month, May—August.  Bring the family down to the park for dancing, swinging and singing! 

Concerts start at 10:30am.  Free and open to all.

Sat., May 18th: Singing & Signing with Ms. Janine!
***Sponsored by The Corner Barber!***

Musician/Author/Signer, Janine LaMendola “Ms. Janine” will be playing children’s music with sign language fun at Kids Kingdom Playground. It doesn’t matter if you come with your infant, toddler or preschooler, or if you’re a teenager. You’re guaranteed to learn several signs and have fun at the same time!  In case of bad weather please join her inside the Town Hall in Room 133.  All ages welcome!

Sat., June 22nd: Lynn Lewis & Friends
Lynn Lewis and Friends - Children's Recording Artist and Book Author of "Spanky Going Woof Woof" and more - offering Entertainment for Kids ages 6 mo-6 yr and their families! Guitar playing Singing Dancing and providing Interactive Music and Movement fun along with a costumed character appearance of Spotty the Dog! Spanky's Friend! 
FACEBOOK "Lynn Lewis and Friends" for more info!
Sat., July 20th: Ryan SanAngelo
Ryan SanAngelo is a children’s author, music performer, and an all-around cool guy! Come join Ryan on Saturday, July 20 at 10:30, for an awesome children’s program of stories and songs. He’ll share his book, “Spaghetti Eddie,” plus perform a rocking a set of original songs and familiar children’s songs. Get ready to laugh, dance, move, groove, and enjoy a super-fun 45 minute show!

Sat., August 17th: Stupendously Wonderful Music Show with Susan Peak

Join Susan Peak for an interactive extravaganza of silliness and song!  Audience members wills become part of the show as they find themselves singing, dancing, clapping, playing percussion, and even barking along with the music!  Susan Peak's songs encompass a range of styles including rock, folk, blues, rap, and reggae.  In addition to her sparkling originals, you will hear some old and new favorites, all designed to keep your feet movin' and your spirits high!